"This (albiet rather short) article on list building through eBay helps to illustrate one of the most-hidden benefits of using Ebay. You can always use eBay build on your own business even if it isn't your primary source of customers. Ebay is a business venue - something that online retailers often ignore or forget about. "
Article chosen and published by Michael Audi, Vice President
Capital Creative, Inc.
Marketing and Copywriting Services for New Media
Why It Is Important To Build A List Using Ebay
by Fabian Tan
Are you making lots of sales on eBay but not making any huge profits? Would you like to increase your income and make repeat sales with your customers? Then building an email mailing list is the way to go.
It is a widely agreed that a mailing list is the most important asset in an Internet business. Customers who have bought from you before are likely to buy from you again, as long as you present them with good and relevant offers. On average, every customer will worth $1 a month to your business once he is on your list. Somewhere along the line, a good proportion of customers in your mailing list will buy something from you again.
You can send out broadcasts of different affiliate products you are promoting and make a commission. It does not take more than a few minutes to craft a good email! You can also build a relationship with your customers by sending helpful and timely information.
You could, for example, send them to pages with Adsense advertisements and make a side income. Instead of making just one sale per customer and having to find a new customer, you can sell to your customer all kinds of different products and services (that are related to your niche) to them. It costs more to acquire a new customer than it is to sell to one who has already bought something from you. Use this marketing rule, and it’s possible to double your profits easily!
Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report: "Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!" Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!
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