Thursday, June 7, 2007

Online friendships hurts

Ok, for some of the people who just don't get "social media marketing", here's a brief (and unscientific) case study of the rapper, rehdogg.

Rehdogg has been posting his home-made music videos online for the past year. He gets tons of video responses. People buy his albums, apparently.

Rehdogg continues to make his (very bad but very entertaining) music videos with a large audience of fans and haters. (I am somewhere in between..)

This music video is about the value of online friendships. Most of his videos are along the same line - songs about his viewers and their sometimes cruel responses to his music, songs about his hurt feelings. nobody really knows if rehdogg is for real with his lyrics - but his videos have been watched from 300 - 44000 times each, in most cases.

This is viral video marketing at its best and yet most simple; no matter how strange .... How many people do you think have bought an album - even as a joke? I bet more than we think!

Oh, and the whole video is about 6 minutes long, but you'll get the idea after about 2 minutes.

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